Saturday, August 25, 2012

London Town Fling

Dearest Lovelies,

I hope that you are all well and beyond excited for the tropical weather, impending spaghetti strap tans, cold coronas by the beach and everything else affiliated with a glorious Australian summer. Well while you revel and await this long awaited season, we have some bittersweet news on our end! As some of you may know, I'm currently on a 6 month hiatus studying, travelling and falling in love with Europe so in the meantime Friperie will be hibernating and will not trade from this August until February 2013 (noo!). Fear not for we will be back with more goodies and surprises in store for Autumn 2013 and will be sure to inspire, reinvent and revolutionise shopping for the modern, cash-conscious woman! In the meantime we will keep you posted on anything fashion related regarding my travels as well as let you know of any great new brands and trends springing up back home. Until then thank you once again for still loving us! Truly grateful for two years worth of friendship and finding my threads a home in your wardrobes! Hope this break won't stop the ball rolling and be sure to keep watching this space and letting folks know about our Facey and Twitter!

Much love from the northern hemisphere,
Abi & Friperie

PS. Our Day of the Dead collection will be momentarily unavailable during this period. All holds will be cancelled and some items may be reposted in our 2013 Autumn collection. Thanks for your understanding!